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Quid Pro Quo Page 7

  After twenty minutes the colonel finally returned the salute. As Kai put her arm down she knew she’d be paying for that in pain later.

  “What is it, Temple?” Kathy snapped.

  Kai held up the sheaf of papers in her hand. “Ma’am, why were these requisitions denied?”

  Kathy looked up, her eyes narrowing “What did you say, Marine?”

  “Why aren’t you approving my requisitions for food for my crew and dogs?” Kai asked, staring straight ahead, never making eye contact.

  “Are you trying to say I’m not doing my job, Marine?” Kathy said, her voice calm, but Kai could sense the underlying threat.

  “Perhaps you overlooked it, ma’am,” she offered evenly.

  Kathy was silent for a long moment, then flicked her hand in a dismissive gesture. “I’m thinking about going in a different direction for your program.”

  “Did this direction include food?” Kai asked before she could stop herself, the acid in her tone unmistakable.

  Like a flash Kathy was up in her face—not an easy feat since Kathy was shorter by a good three inches. Regardless, Kai got a good dose of ice-blue eyes staring directly into hers. Kathy was standing extremely close, so close that Kai could feel her body heat through the thin material of her tank top.

  “You got something to say, Temple?” Kathy growled.

  Kai had finally had it. Her dark eyes dropped to Kathy’s, an angry fire in them.

  “Yeah, I do, as a matter of fact,” she said, shifting forward slightly, using her height and stronger build to her advantage. “If you want to get laid, that’s one thing, but if you think you’re going to use my men and my dogs to do it, you’re wrong. Your behavior is beyond reprehensible at this point, and using the fact that my reporting you would only out me too is worse. You need to get your shit together, lady, because right now you’re no better than them.” Kai said the last stabbing her finger toward the outer offices where many men worked.

  Her lips twitched apart, exposing perfectly white, even teeth and also the fact that they were clenched in fury. She tilted back on her heels and steeled herself for what would come next. She was actually surprised when Kathy began to laugh. Her dark eyes widened as she thought that maybe the Middle Eastern sun had finally gotten to the woman.

  “Well, it’s about time!” Kathy said wryly. “I knew you had a pair in those BDUs, I just hadn’t seen them yet.”

  Kai raised an eyebrow. “Ma’am?”

  “I’ve confused you? With your IQ, I didn’t think that was possible.”

  “I assure you, I can still be baffled quite adequately,” Kai said, narrowing her eyes.

  Kathy shook her head. “Even in confusion you talk smarter than half the generals around here.”

  “Ma’am, are you going to sign the requisitions or not?” Kai asked with a sigh, too tired to play word games with the woman. She hoped she hadn’t just put a major dent in her career with her outburst.

  Once again Kathy stunned her by moving close, pressing her body against Kai’s. Kai was further stunned to feel her body reacting instantly.

  “I think we’re both going to get what we want,” Kathy said, noticing Kai’s tension—and the hard nipples through her tank top.

  Reaching past Kai, Kathy locked her office door. With her other hand she stroked a thumb over a hard nipple and heard Kai’s instant intake of breath—that was when she knew she had her. Twenty minutes later she found that rather than having Kai bend her over her desk, she much preferred mounting the strong lieutenant colonel on her couch—but there was time for everything.

  Such was the beginning of their relationship.

  The following weekend, Kai was having what she considered an off day. She’d hit the gym in the morning, and had found that she just couldn’t get into a good groove. After what would have killed normal people—but barely left Kai winded—she gave up and grabbed her towel. She signaled Cassiana and headed out to the Navigator. Cassiana joined her a few minutes later.

  “That wasn’t the two hours you talked about,” Cassiana said, giving Kai a searching look.

  Kai shook her head. “Yeah, I wasn’t feelin’ it today.”

  “That actually happens with you?” Cassiana asked, grinning at her sister.

  “Just get in the truck, smart ass,” Kai said, giving her a dirty look.

  Half an hour later, Kai was in the shower at the house.

  “Kai?” Cassiana queried from her doorway.

  “Yeah?” Kai called back.

  “I’m gonna go over to Xandy and Quinn’s to hang out with them.”

  “You’re going over to Xandy and Quinn’s house to hang out with Erin,” Kai replied with a grin.

  Erin was the younger cousin of Xandy Blue, and also gay and older than Cassiana by a year. Cassiana was quite interested; it hadn’t become clear yet if Erin was as well. Everyone was waiting to see, and it was becoming something of a sport.

  “Love you! I’ll call you later,” Cassiana said, laughing all the while.

  “Have fun, but not too much!”

  Kai heard Cassiana say something, but couldn’t make it out and went back to her shower. She soaked for extra long, trying to shake off the feeling of lethargy that was continually trying to push in on her.

  “Great. Last damned thing I need is to get the friggin flu right now…” she muttered.

  When she got out of the shower she dried off and put her hair up in a towel. She pulled out a leather-bound zippered portfolio holder from under a bathroom cabinet. Unzipping it, she laid both sides open. She scanned the small brown bottles with colorful labels—rosemary, thyme, lavender, sage, lemon, myrtle, all high-grade essential oils. She generally avoided all things chemical if possible, something she felt she’d gained from her American Indian ancestry—she preferred holistic medicine to traditional Western medicine. Selecting rosemary, thyme, eucalyptus, and thieves, she carried the bottles into her bedroom. After putting water into a humidifier, she added drops of each of the oils; each had their own properties that would help her fight off this looming possible bug.

  She kicked her door closed to keep the oil-charged mist in the room and went back into the bathroom to dry her hair. Her hair, a gift and a curse from both sides of her ancestry, hung long, straight, and jet black halfway to her waist. She knew she should just cut it and get it over with—it was consistently in a ponytail anyway—but some level of feminine vanity prevented it, so she never made it past getting it trimmed every so often. Remington had often suggested that she get cornrows like hers. “Not my style,” was Kai’s response every time. Now, after spending half an hour drying it left her exhausted, she was seriously thinking about reconsidering.

  Too tired to even pull on clothes, Kai walked over to her bed and dropped onto it, stretching and noting a few extra aches and pains, then put her arms up over her head and settled more comfortably. She was asleep minutes later.

  She didn’t hear the door open; she didn’t see Kathy standing there watching her sleep, appreciation and desire very clear on her face.

  Kai Marou Temple was truly a sight to behold, hot in a way that was almost indescribable. All the sinewy muscle, washboard abs that most women would kill for and never achieve, arms and legs that were muscled enough to exhibit strength but without being comically large. Kai was definitely well proportioned. Her body was perfectly on display, lying there as she was. Her skin the color of dark, rich caramel with no visible tan lines against the white sheets was sexy as hell. Even asleep she was sexy, but awake with her dark eyes and bright white smile, the woman was killer—and God help anyone she was actually trying to charm!

  Kathy knew full well that Kai could break just about any bone in her body without any effort at all, but she’d had to take advantage of her great luck. She’d come to the house to try once again to reason with Kai, to try to get her to listen to her. When there was no answer, she naturally tried the front door, and was thrilled to find it unlocked. She’d opened it cautiously, even ca
lling Kai’s name a couple of times. She had noted that the dogs were out in the backyard—she waved to them cheerily as she headed back toward Kai’s bedroom.

  Now she stood staring at the object of her many fantasies as of late. All she could think about was how badly she wanted to feel that skin, like chorded silk, against her own again. Without bothering to stop and think about how inappropriate it was, or even the fact that she was trespassing and maybe even technically stalking Kai Temple, she got undressed, her pulse racing. She knew her only advantages were the element of surprise and the fact that once she got Kai’s motor running, there was no way she’d deny her again.

  Kathy moved carefully to position her body between Kai’s long legs, which were conveniently widespread in her prone position. She made sure not to touch her yet—if Kai woke too soon, the game was over before it had begun. Her body’s screaming at her to touch this woman, to take her, was almost deafening in her head. Kai was the one thing she’d always wanted to fully possess and never seemed to be able to. Yes, she could fuck her and keep her that way, but as soon as Kai gained her wits and was able to put distance between them, that damned brain of hers worked overtime to push her away.

  All at once, Kathy slid her body up through Kai’s legs, pressing against Kai in all the right spots, especially her vaginal area. Sliding her hands up Kai’s arms to hold her wrists above her head for as long as she could, Kathy fastened her lips to Kai’s in a deep kiss. At first, Kathy could feel Kai’s body respond, pressing upward to meet Kathy’s rhythmic fucking movement. Then, predictably, Kai woke with a start and immediately growled for her to get off. Kathy had no intention of doing that.

  Suddenly it was like riding a bucking bronco, and Kathy was on for the ride of her life. Matching Kai’s movements, she bumped and grinded her pelvis against Kai’s, feeling the wetness between them and knowing she had her. Kai managed to wrench one hand out of Kathy’s grip, grasping painfully but desperately at Kathy’s waist, pressing her closer—it had Kathy coming in wave after wave of ecstasy. Kai came moments later with a frustrated, almost mournful yell.

  When Kai had awoken she had recognized instantly the person kissing her, pressed against her. Her body was already responding to the sheer erotic nature of the situation and to Kathy herself, who knew far too well the ways to excite her. For a minute she’d been ready to give in, but then that voice in her head told her she was a fucking idiot! Screamed it, actually—it was kind of annoying. She’d begun struggling again, finally managing to get her hand free, but instead of doing what she wanted, to push Kathy away, her body betrayed her and grabbed the object of her lust and pulled it closer to make them both come.

  Kai was breathing heavily, as was Kathy. Kathy continued to lie over Kai, her body between Kai’s legs, essentially topping her, showing sexual dominance. Kathy knew she needed to keep physical contact with Kai to keep her controlled until she could get her to listen. She slid her red-nailed hand over Kai’s skin, enjoying the feel of it, especially when it shuddered as Kai’s body responded to her. It was a heady feeling of power.

  It was, therefore, a rather big shock when Kai’s strong, long-fingered hands grasped her on either side of her waist and she literally hurled her away with an almost guttural yell, which turned into a yelp of pain as she grasped at her right side. If the bed hadn’t been a California King and they’d been on one side of it opposite the direction Kai had thrown her, Kathy knew she’d have likely hit the wall or the floor. It excited the hell out of her that Kai had that kind of strength. She started to climb onto the bed—Kai’s hand shot out, halting her movement.

  “Get out,” Kai growled.

  “Kai…” Kathy began, her tone low and sultry.

  “Get out!” Kai yelled, wincing as she did.

  Turning on her side, Kai grabbed her phone, accessing her home security system. She realized then that the reason the dogs hadn’t alerted her to Kathy’s presence was that they were outside. Kai hit the button to automatically open their dog door, then gave a loud whistle. She heard the immediate response of two sets of paws headed down the hallway.

  “Kai, just wait, just listen to me,” Kathy said, moving onto the bed as the dogs rounded the corner, both immediately growling at her.

  “Hold!” Kai commanded, her eyes shifting to Kathy as she moved up, wincing again. “Kathy, I mean it. Get out or I’ll let them tear you apart.”

  Kathy reached out to touch the spot Kai was now guarding. “Kai, you’re hurt. Let me at least—”

  “Don’t fucking touch me!” Kai yelled, so loud it had the dogs barking and growling at the object of their master’s ire. “Just get the fuck out before I give them the command to rip a trespasser’s fucking throat out.”

  “I can’t move,” Kathy said, panicked.

  “Chip, Digger, sit!” Both canine butts hit the floor, but their tension didn’t abate. “Kathy, get off my bed, and get your clothes and get out,” Kai said through gritted teeth.

  Kathy got off the bed and started pulling on her clothes. Kai was now sitting with her knees up to her chest, watching Kathy’s every moment. Kathy was sure she saw desire and started to step toward her again—Kai’s chin came up immediately, her expression wary.

  “Chip, Digger… Nackt!” She used the German word for bare.

  Both dogs stood, snarling and growling, their lips curled back to reveal deadly teeth.

  “There’s a very short span between this and ripping your throat out, Kathy. Wanna see how short?” Kai asked, her dark eyes blazing.

  Kathy moved toward the bedroom door. “This isn’t over…” she muttered.

  “Yes, it is. Boys! Pas Auf!” telling them to guard Kathy and said “ Front door!” she commanded, and Chip and Digger tailed Kathy all the way out.

  Kai tracked the movement on the home surveillance cameras, and when Kathy was outside she used the remote system to lock the door resoundingly.

  Kai banged her head on the headboard, shook it as she looked down at her own body. “Seriously? Did you not see who that was? What the fuck is wrong with you!”

  Chip and Digger came back into the room, jumping up on the bed and moving to comfort their master. She smiled as she petted them and thanked them for being “good boys.”

  “It’s getting so a girl can only rely on her dogs these days…” She narrowed her eyes at her own body again. Damned traitor!

  Chapter 3

  Two days later, Cassie was beside herself with worry. Kai had been sick, in bed most of the time. Cassie had knocked on her door at one point and heard her answer from the bathroom.

  “Kai?” she queried, stepping into the bedroom.

  “In the tub,” Kai said. “What’s up?”

  Cassie saw Kai lying in the huge tub, bubbles around her, and she could smell all kinds of different oil scents.

  “I’m really worried, Kai…”

  “Honey, it’s okay,” Kai assured her. “It’s just a flu, or something. I’ll be fine soon.”

  “Are you sure?” Cassie asked, seeing that Kai looked almost gray.

  “I’m sure.” Kai smiled weakly. “Hey, I’ve been thinking,” she said, eager to get the worried look off her sister’s face. “You need to start doing some research to find a good prep school here.”

  “Prep school?” Cassie said, a hopeful light starting in her eyes.

  Kai hadn’t won the battle with their father about changing to preparatory school, so Cassie had continued in online studies.

  Kai grinned; she knew the idea was just distracting enough for Cassie.

  “Yeah, I want you to start looking into what’s around here and see where you might want to go.”

  “Oh my God, Kai, that’s so cool! Can you really do that?” Cassie asked, biting her lip nervously as she thought about the expense.

  Kai smiled. “You let me worry about that.”

  “And you’re sure you’re going to be okay?”

  Kai nodded. “I’m sure, yes.”

  Cassie nodded too, wan
ting to accept what her sister was saying.

  Later that evening Cassie was sitting in the kitchen, the dogs avidly watching her eat ice cream. Kai came down the hallway and walked into the room, grinning at the boys at Cassie’s feet. She was wearing her black yoga pants and a sapphire tank top with the Nike swish on it and the slogan “Just Do It!”

  “They are allowed to have ice cream, you know?” Kai said, grinning.


  “Yeah, they’re allowed junk food, just don’t over…” Kai had just taken a drink from a bottle of water and she blindly went to set it down. As Cassie watched, Kai doubled over, dropping to the floor and letting out a yell of pain so loud and sharp that both dogs skittered to the other side of the room instantly. They turned and ran back to Kai, even as Cassie jumped out of her chair and hurried to her side.

  “Kai! What is it?”

  Kai shook her head, breathing heavily and gasping in pain. “Side… hurts…”

  To Cassie’s shock and horror, she then passed out cold. Cassie frantically grabbed the phone and called 911.

  Finley was just finishing up with a patient when the ambulance brought in another. They told her the woman was unconscious and had collapsed, according to her sister. As she walked into the area where she’d been taken, Finley immediately recognized the dark-haired woman lying on the hospital bed. Glancing around, she set eyes on a much smaller, lighter version of the woman on the table.

  “Are you with her?” Finley asked her. The girl looked completely freaked out.

  “Yes,” Cassie said. “She’s my sister.”

  “Her name is Kai, right?”

  Cassie nodded, wide-eyed.

  “What’s your name?” Finley asked softly, seeing how scared the girl was.


  “Okay, Cassie, I’m going to take care of Kai here, but can you tell me what’s been going on with her health?”

  “She’s been sick for days!” Cassie exclaimed, clenching her hands tightly as she trembled from head to toe.