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Break in the Storm (WeHo Book 2) Page 6
Break in the Storm (WeHo Book 2) Read online
Page 6
“So you’re never going to guess who I just talked to,” Devin said, reaching out to pet Benny as he shoved his muzzle under hand.
“Who?” Skyler asked, her light blue-green eyes narrowing in the smoke she blew out.
“BJ Sparks,” Devin said, so evenly that it took Skyler a second to catch up.
“Wait, what? You talked to BJ Sparks? The BJ Sparks?”
“Holy Hell,” Skyler said, smiling broadly. “What did he want?”
“He wants to meet with me.”
“For what?” Skyler asked, stunned.
“To hire me, he said.”
Devin James was known in the computer world as “the Glimmer” because she was able to hack into the most secure systems without leaving even the slightest trace she’d been there. She was also well-known for cracking the most complicated of computer fraud cases. When the FBI needed help, they called her, when any law enforcement needed help… they saved up a lot of money and called her! Now BJ Sparks had called her.
“And,” Devin said, excited, “I get to bring you.”
Skyler was perplexed. “Me? Why?”
“The meeting is at his house.”
Skyler gave her a sidelong glance. “And he’s okay with you bringing me?”
Skyler contemplated the idea for a moment, then gave Devin a sly glance. “Think he’ll let me see his car collection?”
Devin rolled her eyes. “Oh lord!”
Skyler laughed.
Quinn pulled up in front of BJ’s house that afternoon. Xandy was sitting in the passenger seat of the Mustang. It had taken a little bit of convincing to get her to come, as Xandy was sure that BJ was going to yell at her like he’d wanted to on the phone earlier.
“I’m not gonna to let that happen,” Quinn had told her, with a shake of her head.
“What if he fires you?” Xandy asked, her eyes wide.
“He won’t.”
Finally, Xandy had agreed to come.
As Skyler and Devin rounded the drive in Skyler’s car, a Nissan 370Z sports car, she caught sight of the classic Mustang already parked there and saw the woman getting out of the car. She whistled appreciatively at the car, even as she put her car in park. Devin grinned, knowing Skyler had a thing for cars.
Skyler got out, walking around to open the passenger door for Devin, her eyes on the Mustang the entire time. She put her hand out to help Devin out of the low-slung vehicle.
“Go on,” Devin said, chuckling at Skyler as she nearly trotted over to the car.
“This is hot,” Skyler said to Quinn as she walked up.
Quinn inclined her head. “Thanks.”
“What are you running?” Skyler asked.
“Three ninety CI, big block,” Quinn replied, loving that she’d found another car nut like herself.
“Skyler Boché,” Skyler said, extending her hand to Quinn.
“Quinn Kavanaugh,” Quinn responding, grasping Skyler’s hand and shaking it firmly. “This is Xandy,” Quinn said, gesturing to the petite blond.
Skyler nodded to Xandy, smiling, as Devin joined them.
“I can always find her near the cool cars,” Devin said, grinning and extending her hand to Quinn. “Devin James,” she said introducing herself.
“Pleasure,” Quinn said.
Devin walked over to Xandy as Skyler and Quinn went back to discussing the Mustang.
“I’m Devin,” she said to the other girl, seeing that she was quite timid.
“I’m Xandy,” Xandy replied, smiling at Devin.
“Well, you girls can drool over the cars later,” Devin said, glancing over her shoulder at Skyler and Quinn. “We should get inside before we’re late.”
With that Devin turned, putting her arm through Xandy’s to lead her toward the door.
“You gotta get BJ to show you the garage,” Quinn was saying to Skyler as they walked toward the door.
“Holy shit, you’ve seen it?” Skyler replied in awe.
Devin rolled her eyes, looking over at Xandy. “It’s gonna be a long afternoon.” To Skyler she said, “Business first, babe.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Skyler said, grinning as she winked at Devin.
“Such a brat sometimes…” Devin said, shaking her head, her tone teasing.
Once inside the house, BJ came to greet the group. Introductions were made, and BJ gestured for them to follow him.
“We’re out here.”
Devin fell into step next to the mogul. “So, how do you know Attorney General Chevalier?” she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
BJ opened and held the French doors that lead out to the large pool and patio area of his estate.
“Midnight and I go way back, she loves me,” BJ said, his grin suggestive as he winked at Devin.
“Don’t let Rick hear you say that!” said a blond haired woman walking toward them.
BJ chuckled unrepentantly. “And this is my lovely wife, Allexxiss.”
Allexxiss was a world famous actress known as Ramsey. There was no missing the beautiful woman that stood before them. Blond haired and blue eyed, Ramsey was considered one of the country’s most beautiful women. She smiled graciously at them and motioned to the table that had been set for lunch.
“We’re over here,” Allexxiss said, nodding to all of them.
Once they were all seated and more introductions had been made, BJ looked over at Quinn.
“Is that the Mach?” he asked, referring to the Mustang Quinn drove.
“It is,” Quinn grinned proudly.
“I’ll need to check that out after our meeting,” BJ said. Then his light blue-green eyes went to Skyler. “Is that a three-seventy?”
“Nismo, yes,” Skyler said, pleased that he obviously knew his cars.
“Yeah, I want to add a Nissan to my collection,” BJ said. “Been looking at that new GT-R model.”
Skyler nodded. “Got a chance to drive that in Vegas, it’s one hot car.”
“And if you’d let me buy you one, you’d have one,” Devin put in smoothly, grinning at Skyler.
“Uh, no,” Skyler said, shaking her head at her fiancée.
Devin just shook her head, rolling her eyes.
It was evident to everyone that this was a regular discussion between the couple.
“I have been known to pay in vehicles,” BJ said, grinning at Devin.
Devin looked like she was considering the idea.
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” Skyler said, reaching over to take Devin’s hand, squeezing it gently. “No offense Mr. Sparks.”
“None taken,” BJ said, grinning even as his eyes sparkled mischievously, “and it’s BJ.”
“Well, BJ,” Devin said, shooting her fiancée a so there look, “we’ll talk.”
Skyler made a growling noise in the back of her throat and rolled her eyes, sighing.
Everyone chuckled at the exchange.
“Skyler Boché,” BJ said, narrowing his eyes for a moment, “are you the one that works for LAFD?”
“Yeah…” Skyler said her tone cautious, wondering to how BJ knew that.
BJ nodded. “I read about you in the paper a few months back, your team saved a group of hikers in the back country.”
Skyler dropped her head, but nodded, never one to accept adulations.
Quinn looked over at Skyler. “Fire fighter?”
“Chopper pilot,” Skyler said.
“Aw, Sláinte,” she said, holding up the wine class that had just been filled.
Skyler looked back at the other woman blankly.
“Sorry,” Quinn said , “it means, well, it’s like cheers.”
“How do you say it?” Devin asked.
“Sláinte,” Quinn repeated slower, it sounds like slant-cha.
“It’s Gaelic,” BJ said, grinning.
Skyler nodded. “Cool.”
The group was silent for a bit, then Devin looked over at BJ.
“I gotta say,” she began, “I’m really surprised that someone like Midnight Chevalier remembers me. I think I met her maybe twice while I was working at the DOJ.”
“Well, Midnight has a damned good memory,” BJ said, “and when she’s impressed by someone, she never forgets. And she was definitely impressed with you, young lady. She said you helped them close a case that had been giving her heartburn for a year.”
“It was actually kind of fun,” Devin said with a nonchalant shrug.
BJ shook his head. “I can’t even begin to wrap my head around what you do,” he told Devin honestly, “but if you can help us out here, I will be eternally grateful.”
Devin nodded. “I’ll do my best.”
“What’s Midnight doing these days?” Allexxiss asked, having previously met the tiny powerhouse that was the California Attorney General.
“Oh you know, same old thing, upsetting the bad guys” BJ said.
“She’s got to be the best AG this state’s ever seen,” Devin said.
“She certainly kicks ass and takes names,” Skyler agreed.
“She helped out the LGBT community more than once,” Quinn added.
“One of her best friends is gay,” BJ said, “she’d do anything for Kana, and anyone like her. That’s just how she is. I’d like to see her do more…” he said, his voice trailing off.
“Is she gonna run?” Allexxiss asked, her blue eyes widened.
“Everyone she knows is pushing her to,” BJ confirmed.
“Run?” Devin asked, a note of hope in her voice.
“For Governor,” BJ said.
“Holy shit! That would be awesome,” Devin said.
“You have no idea,” BJ said smiling.
There was a lull in conversation again as everyone digested the information they’d just heard, which was fairly juicy gossip.
BJ looked over at Xandy then, he’d noted that the girl had literally not spoken the entire time.
“You’re awfully quiet,” BJ said, looking directly at the girl.
Devin noticed that Quinn’s chin came up, and glanced at Skyler to see if she’d noticed. Skyler glanced back at Devin and shrugged slightly.
“I’m just listening,” Xandy said, very softly.
“Interesting…” BJ said. His tone had an edge to it.
“Leave off…” Quinn warned quietly.
BJ narrowed his eyes at Quinn. “Oh, we’re gonna talk,” he said, his tone threatening.
Quinn just looked back at BJ, her look anything but compliant. Then she inclined her head. “Yes, the three of us will talk,” Quinn said, emphasizing the word “three.”
“I don’t think you need to be involved,” BJ countered, his tone dismissive.
“Then it’s not gonna happen,” Quinn replied, a rebellious smirk on her lips.
Quinn could sense Xandy tensing behind her. Without looking away from BJ’s glaring eyes, she reached behind her, extending a hand to Xandy, who gladly took it. Xandy’s hands were shaking hard and she was glad of Quinn’s comforting touch.
BJ narrowed his eyes dangerously again.
Devin and Skyler had no idea what was going on, but it was obvious they were witnessing a battle of wills.
“Bren…” Allexxiss put in, her tone cautionary.
“I think you’re forgetting who you work for,” BJ said sternly
“I think I don’t fecking care,” Quinn replied, her emerald eyes blazing, but her voice completely controlled. “I’m not gonna let you have a go at her without me there to protect her. That is what you hired me to do.”
BJ started to reply. “You’ll fucking do—”
“Brenden James!” Allexxiss cut him off, her voice exactly like a scolding mother.
Whatever BJ was about to say died as he winced at his given name being practically screeched at him by his wife.
Quinn did her best to hide her grin, but failed. “Holy show…”
Everyone tensed at the perceived barb, everyone except BJ Sparks, who stared open mouthed at Quinn, but then began to laugh, shaking his head. The entire group relaxed then.
Devin watched as Quinn tilted her head down and toward Xandy, giving the girl a wink and a grin. Xandy shook her head, looking extremely relieved. Devin also noticed that she had Quinn’s hand in both of hers and she didn’t seem like she wanted to let go. Devin glanced over at Skyler and saw that Skyler was also watching the two. Devin grinned at her partner gleefully. Skyler merely shook her head, an amused grin on her lips.
The rest of lunch was less eventful, and afterwards Devin, Xandy and Quinn went to BJ’s study. Allexxiss told Devin that she’d entertain Skyler. Devin noted that Skyler didn’t seem to have the least bit of a problem with that proposition.
“I want her back when I get back out here,” Devin told Allexxiss in mock jealousy.
“We’ll see,” Allexxiss said, winking at Devin.
Inside BJ’s study, Devin couldn’t help herself; she had to ask Quinn what she’d said to BJ out by the pool. She had heard what had been said, but she hadn’t understood it. She pulled Quinn aside while BJ gathered up information from his files. Xandy had moved to sit on the couch in the sitting area, awaiting the rest of the group.
“It’s just slang for a rather embarrassing situation,” Quinn told her.
“Aw,’ Devin said, nodding her head. “Did the trick.”
“That was the plan.”
“And if it hadn’t worked?” Devin asked.
Quinn looked back at the other woman, her look assessing. Finally she shrugged, shaking her head. “Dunno.”
“Would you have backed down?” Devin asked, pretty sure she already knew the answer.
Quinn tilted her head at the other woman. “Nope.”
Devin grinned, nodding her head.
Devin and Quinn walked over to where BJ now sat across from Xandy. Quinn sat, once again, so she was between BJ and Xandy. BJ and Devin sat in the other vacant chairs.
BJ started the conversation. “Xandy has been getting threatening emails, apparently,” he said, shooting Xandy a narrowed look. Quinn immediately tensed, her eyes widening slightly as if to say really? “She’s been receiving these types of emails for a while now.”
Devin nodded, looking over at Xandy.
“Do you still have all of the emails?” Devin asked, inadvertently stepping right into the source of BJ’s irritation.
“No,” BJ snapped, his eyes flashing, “she didn’t even see fit—”
“Okay, okay,” Devin said, holding her hand up to stave off the tirade she could sense brewing in BJ. He bemusedly stared at her hand, was there no end to the scoldings he was going to take from the women in his house today? He also caught Quinn’s quick grin, and rolled his eyes at the woman.
“Xandy,” Devin said gently, turning to look at the girl, “did you see the emails on a computer? Or was it on your phone?”
“On my laptop,” Xandy said.
“Okay,” Devin said, glancing at BJ, “it’s not a problem. I can probably recover all of them.”
“Can you find the person that’s doing this?” Quinn asked.
Devin nodded. “I’m sure I can.” She looked at Xandy. “I’m going to need your laptop though.”
Xandy nodded. “Sure.”
“How long do you think it will take to get some answers?” BJ asked.
“Hard to say,” Devin said, shrugging. “I really need to get a chance to look at the information on the email footprint.”
BJ nodded, “Okay. How soon can you get started?”
Devin looked pensive. “I’m finishing up some stuff for the DOD, and then I could start. I’d say maybe a week.”
BJ nodded. “That would be great,” he said, glancing at Xandy. “Xandy,” he said, entreating, “I’m sorry, I’m just worried about you, okay?”
Xandy nodded.
“I should have been better about handling it,” BJ said, looking a bit ashamed of himself.
“It’s okay,” Xand
y said, shrugging nonchalantly, every bit the star. “I have a bodyguard who isn’t afraid of you.”
For the second time that day BJ was stunned into silence, his mouth agape. Then Xandy started to grin and the whole group laughed.
“She’s getting that from you,” BJ accused Quinn. “Bloody women!”
Quinn laughed, not looking the least bit offended.
They talked about details then, but the meeting was over in less than twenty minutes.
Skyler got her opportunity to tour BJ’s car collection, and it took every persuasive power Devin had to get her fiancée out of the rock mogul’s garage.
On the drive home, Devin looked over at Skyler. “So what did you think about Quinn and Xandy?”
“Quinn and Xandy?” Skyler repeated.
“Yeah,” Devin said.
“Xandy’s not gay, you know.”
“None of them are gay, till they are.”
Skyler chuckled shaking her head. “Not gonna be happy till the whole world is gay, are ya?”
“Nope… I need to get Xandy’s laptop from her,” she said, her eyes narrowing as she mentally planned. “I think I’ll invite them to our place for dinner.”
“As a couple,” Skyler said, pointedly.
“Quinn is her bodyguard, Sky, I have to invite her,” Devin said, winking at Skyler.
Skyler just shook her head, rolling her eyes.
“Oh, come on!” Devin said, reaching over and touching Skyler’s hand on the stick shift. “You saw what I saw.”
Skyler pursed her lips, but then nodded. “Yeah, they seem close, but if they’re a couple, BJ doesn’t know it, and you need to be careful.”
“I’m not going to tell BJ Sparks a damned thing, that’s not my job,” she said, holding her hands up in a ‘hands off’ gesture.
“So you’re okay with me inviting them to dinner?” Devin asked hopefully.
“It’s your house, babe.”
“It’s our house, Skyler,” Devin said, narrowing her eyes at her fiancée.