Break in the Storm (WeHo Book 2) Read online

Page 17

  “We can take you right over to your hotel,” Gina said. She glanced at her watch, knowing it was a deviation from their schedule, but thinking that maybe she needed to give Xandy some time to adjust.

  Gina was all about her schedule; it was how she accomplished what she did for the Red Cross. As a coordinator, it took a lot of effort to get supplies and people to sites as quickly as humanly possible. She’d worked her way up from the bottom, and at forty-two, she was one of the best coordinators the Red Cross had. It made her feel good every day that she did as much as she could for her fellow man. In this case, though, she felt like she needed to be much more flexible than usual, and it surprised her small team.

  Xandy took a deep breath, blowing it out slowly and shaking her head. She knew that she was scheduled for a site visit in a little over and hour, she didn’t want to start this tour out with what she considered a “star trip” with needing to go to her hotel first.

  “No, I’m okay,” Xandy said, smiling at Gina.

  Quinn lowered her head, putting her lips next to Xandy’s ear. “Xan, are you sure?”

  Quinn didn’t notice the cameras that were rolling and snapping pictures, nor would she have cared if she had. Her focus was on Xandy and her well-being. Xandy lowered her head, tilting it to the side to touch the side of her head to Quinn’s face, in a show of vulnerability. Quinn moved to stand closer, putting one arm around Xandy’s shoulders, her lips pressing against the side of Xandy’s head. Xandy closed her eyes for a long moment, taking in the strength she felt from Quinn’s actions.

  It was the first picture of Xandy and Quinn to confirm their relationship, and it also was a definite testament to the connection they shared. It was a moment that captured people’s hearts, gay or straight. It was paired with the tragic story of Xandy losing her family to a devastating tornado and Quinn and Xandy quickly became a media favorite.

  At the first site visit, they toured the area. After seeing everyone working together to dig people out, Quinn decided to pitch in. She set aside her jacket and began helping to shift debris, working right alongside the rescue workers. This action was, of course, heavily photographed. But when reporters on site tried to talk to Quinn she waved them away, and pointed them back to the Red Cross as the true good Samaritans. Regardless, Quinn’s previous title of “White Knight” coined on YouTube, came right back to haunt her. It was obvious to everyone that Quinn Kavanaugh wasn’t interested in publicity. BJ Sparks, as her employer, was quoted as saying, “Quinn Kavanaugh is a rare combination of graceful metal under tension and downright bad assedness.”

  “Is that even a word?” Allexxiss asked BJ after the reporter took down every word.

  “It will be now,” BJ told her with a wink.

  Allexxiss simply rolled her eyes at her husband. BJ was all too happy to have Quinn’s good deeds come to light and he intended to make sure he gave her all the support he could.

  After three site visits, Quinn was hot and tired. Her white tank top was filthy, as were her jeans and her boots. Xandy begged her to stop on the final site visit because it was obvious Quinn was overdoing it. Quinn had various cuts and bruises from encounters with debris and nails. Fortunately someone had handed her some work gloves at one point, which had at least saved her hands.

  At the Hotel Ambassador, they were shown to a suite called the Rock Star Suite. It was the biggest hotel room Quinn or Xandy had ever seen. With 1,596 total square feet, it was bigger than Quinn’s old apartment.

  “Holy show….” Quinn muttered as the manager opened the double doors into the lavish suite.

  “Compliments of Mr. Sparks,” smiled the manager.

  Quinn and Xandy looked at each other, their shock evident.

  “This is crazy!” Xandy said, laughing as they walked inside.

  The Rock Star Suite was a lavish one bedroom suite with all the amenities imaginable, including iPod docking stations, a Keurig coffee maker, its own fully-stocked bar, and a private dining room that could seat six. There were incredible views of downtown Wichita through the many windows in the room. The living room featured a fifty-five inch flat-screen TV and multiple couches from which to view it. The private bedroom had a king sized bed, a forty-two inch flat-screen TV and a huge master bathroom. The bathroom featured a Jacuzzi tub as well as a separate walk in shower. There were designer soaps and toiletries. Both Xandy and Quinn were bowled over by the amazing room.

  After getting over the shock of the hotel room, Xandy ordered Quinn into the tub to soak her muscles while she ordered them dinner from room service. When the food arrived, Xandy walked into the bathroom, and found Quinn drying off. Xandy found herself admiring Quinn’s body again, loving the way her muscles rippled as she moved. Her smooth skin, touched in places with tattoos, was extremely sexy to Xandy. Walking up, Xandy slid her hand from Quinn’s neck down her back to her waist, leaning in to kiss her shoulder where a nail had cut Quinn’s skin.

  “Mmmm,” Quinn murmured, turning to face Xandy and dropping the towel on the floor.

  Sliding her arms around the smaller girl, she kissed Xandy’s lips, pulling her closer. When things got heated, Xandy pulled back, shaking her head.

  “Oh no, Ms. Kavanaugh, you’re going to eat!”

  Quinn grinned, reaching for her towel again. Xandy gave her a narrowed look, but then grinned too.

  A few minutes later they were sitting down to dinner. The news was on, and there was a story about them. It was the first time they’d seen that they had suddenly become a media sensation in Kansas. The blond reporter who’d been at one of the devastated areas was talking about the couple’s visit, while showing clips of Xandy talking to storm victims, and Quinn pitching in to help clear debris.

  “Kansas-born Xandy Blue was in town today, touring the devastated areas, with her now-renowned bodyguard, Quinn Kavanaugh. Ms. Kavanaugh recently became an overnight sensation thanks to a couple of YouTube clips showing Ms. Kavanaugh doing her job as Xandy Blue’s bodyguard and taking on no less than three men in Ms. Blue’s defense. She’s been dubbed the ‘White Knight’ by many viewers of the videos. While Xandy Blue spoke with Red Cross workers and victims of the storms, making some people’s days it seemed, Quinn Kavanaugh pitched in on the cleanup efforts.

  “Xandy Blue is here in Kansas to do a benefit concert for the victims of last week’s F four tornado that tore through three towns here in lower Clay County. When asked about the storms, Xandy Blue shocked this reporter when she stated that her family was killed by another F four tornado that ripped through the town of Wakefield three years ago. Many of you will remember the massive loss of life in that storm. When asked about Quinn Kavanaugh, Ms. Blue stated that she didn’t know where she’d be without Quinn by her side. The two were caught in a very tender moment this morning at Wichita airport and it’s obvious that Ms. Kavanaugh and Ms. Blue are closer than they say. Quinn Kavanaugh refused any interviews, but BJ Sparks, Ms. Kavanaugh’s employer, has nothing but good things to say about the Belfast-born bodyguard, calling her a combination of graceful metal under tension and bad assedness. Looks like we’ll need to watch these two very closely.”

  With that the story ended, and Quinn looked over at Xandy her eyes wide.

  “Well, alright then,” Quinn said, shaking her head. “I didn’t even notice the cameras at the airport, did you?” Xandy said.

  “Nope, but it looks like you’re out now.”

  Xandy smiled at Quinn. “Good. It’s where I wanted to be all along.”

  “Uh-huh,” Quinn murmured, shaking her head.

  “That ‘White Knight’ thing seems to really be sticking…” Xandy said, laughing as Quinn made a disgusted noise in the back of her throat.

  “I was really hoping it wouldn’t,” Quinn said.

  “I know, but it’s pretty accurate.”

  “The hell you say,” Quinn said, rolling her eyes.

  “Quinn,” Xandy said, reaching out to touch Quinn’s hand, “how many people do you think would go out of th
eir way to help these people? Like you did?”

  “All of those volunteers, babe.”

  “Okay, but that’s what they came to do, it isn’t what you signed up for.”

  “I signed up to be here for you,” Quinn said, her voice softening, “but if I can help out in the meantime, I’m going to do that.” She winked at Xandy then. “You do what you’re good at, and I’ll do what I’m good at.”

  “I just don’t want you to get hurt,” Xandy said, her true concern coming to bare.

  “I’m fine babe,” Quinn said, “figure it’s like gym time.”

  “Uh-huh,” Xandy replied, her tone disbelieving.

  Later that night they’d just climbed into bed when Xandy’s phone rang. She reached over picking it up and looking at the display. It was BJ.

  “Hi BJ,” Xandy said, smiling. “I have to thank you for this room, it’s insane!”

  Quinn watched Xandy talk on the phone, only hearing her side of the conversation. She watched as the girl’s mouth dropped open, and her eyes widen. She looked at Quinn her eyes alight with excitement.

  “Oh my God, are you serious?”

  Then Xandy nodded, as BJ must have affirmed that he was serious. When she hung up the phone she was practically dancing.

  “Wot?” Quinn said, smiling at the excitement on Xandy’s face.

  “BJ said that both Jordan and Fast Lane are joining the benefit concert,” she said, smiling widely. “And…” she said, biting her lip. “Sparks is going to play too.”

  “Holy crap!” Quinn said, knowing that these were serious powerhouse bands.

  “I know! BJ is even talking about adding a second night! The first show is already sold out, and they’re going to be clamoring in the streets when they hear about these bands!”

  “That is fantastic babe,” Quinn said, smiling as she reached over to hug Xandy.

  “This is so great,” Xandy said, snuggling into Quinn’s arms, “and I have you to thank.”

  “Me? I’m not the one that got this together, Xan, and I’m definitely not the one with the talent to sell out an entire arena in less than a week. That’s all you babe.”

  “But if you hadn’t given me the idea, Quinn...” Xandy said, shaking her head.

  “Okay, I’ll take credit for that part,” Quinn said, grinning.


  They were asleep when the hotel phone rang. Quinn turned over on her back groaning loudly as her muscles protested. She reached blindly for the phone muttering curses in Gaelic as she picked it up.

  “Yeah?” she answered her accent thick.

  There was shocked silence on the other end of the phone.

  “Ya woke me up and yer not gonna talk?” Quinn snapped.

  Xandy, who’d also woken when the phone rang, reached across and took the phone gently.

  “Hello?” she queried.

  “Xandy?” came a woman’s voice.

  “Aunt Sarah?” Xandy replied, sounding surprised.

  “Yes, yes,” the woman said, “so glad I got you!”

  “It’s kind of late, Aunt Sarah,” Xandy said, glancing down at Quinn who had a very definite look of shock on her face. “Can I call you in the morning?”

  “I want you to come see us. We didn’t know you were here till we saw you on the news…”

  “I wasn’t sure you’d want to see me,” Xandy said, her eyes narrowing slightly.

  “Of course we want to see you!” Sarah said.

  Xandy paused, looking at Quinn again considering, and then she nodded.

  “Okay, we’ll come see you,” she said, her emphasis on “we’ll.”

  “Oh,” Sarah said. “I see… you can’t come, just you?”

  “I don’t go anywhere without my bodyguard,” was Xandy’s swift reply.

  Quinn was surprised by not only the fact that Xandy apparently had a living relative still in Kansas, but how she was talking to her.

  There was silence on the line for a long moment, Xandy waited, having learned the skill of waiting people out from Quinn. Quinn noted the technique and wondered further at it.

  “Well, okay,” Sarah finally said, sounding resigned.

  “Great!” Xandy said, with false cheer. “I’ll text you when I know when we can make it there. See you tomorrow.”

  Xandy disconnected the line then, moving to lie back down.

  “Oh, hell no, you’re not going to get away with not explaining this one,” Quinn said, moving to sit up, wincing as her muscles screamed again.

  “You’re hurting aren’t you?” Xandy said, instantly concerned.

  “Oh, no,” Quinn said, sounding very Irish, “you’re not gettin’ outta this one lassie. Talk.”

  “Okay, but first…” Xandy pulled at Quinn so she was sitting in front of her in a position where she could knead at the muscles in Quinn’s back. Quinn moaned softly at the feel of the very sore muscles getting a soft massage.

  Glancing back, she said, “Still not getting out of tellin’ me.”

  Xandy sighed. “Yes, I have an aunt, she is… was… my mom’s baby sister.”

  “Okay,” Quinn said, grunting as a particularly tight muscle started to ease, “so why don’t you like her?”

  “I didn’t say I don’t like her,” Xandy said, her look inscrutable.

  “I heard the way you talked to her, love, you don’t like her. Just tell me why.”

  Xandy was quiet for a few moments, then she shrugged. “She’s always been religious, and I’m talking hard core. She told my mother that I shouldn’t be using my God-given talent for money, that I should use it to serve God… that I was sinful for what I was doing…” Her voice trailed off, as she massaged a spot particularly hard.

  Quinn jumped in response and moved to turn around and look at Xandy.

  “And now you’re sure she’s going to really hate us being together, right?” Quinn guessed accurately.

  Xandy nodded, her fingers picking at the bed covers and not looking at Quinn.

  “And that’s why you told her that we would come,” Quinn further deduced.

  Still Xandy wouldn’t look at her, but she shrugged, nodding miserably.

  “Xan…” Quinn said, reaching out to touch Xandy under the chin to get Xandy to look at her. “Are you thinking I’ll be mad about this?”

  “Are you?”

  “No,” Quinn said, shaking her head, “I’m more than happy to go with you to deal with this aunt of yours.”

  Chapter 9

  The next day, Quinn and Xandy pulled up to a run down one story house. The whole block had definitely seen better days. They’d rented an SUV, for the drive, avoiding the media for a bit. Xandy led the way to the front door and knocked.

  A young kid, who was about ten, answered the door.

  “Cousin Xandy!” he exclaimed, opening the screen door and moving to hug her tightly.

  “Oh my gosh you’ve grown so much!” Xandy said, smiling down at the boy hugging her. “Quinn, this is Bobby.”

  Bobby turned to Quinn and literally took a half step back, and uttered a, “Whoa,” his eyes as wide as saucers.

  Quinn’s tattoos were on full display as she wore a sleeveless muscle tee with Harley Davidson on the front. Bobby looked Quinn up and down, in the open honest way that kids do. Quinn simply stood by awaiting his approval or otherwise. He snapped his fingers finally, nodding to himself.

  “You’re the bodyguard!” Bobby said, proud of himself for knowing that information.

  Quinn nodded. “That I am.”

  “Where ya from?” Bobby asked, a little suspicious.

  “Bobby!” Xandy exclaimed, not wanting Quinn to have to deal with too much from her family.

  “S’okay, Xan,” Quinn said, looking back at Bobby. “I’m from Northern Ireland.”

  “Cool,” Bobby said, smiling and nodding.

  “Xandy?” queried a woman from the door. She held on her hip a towheaded child who looked about six years of age.

  Quinn stood back, observi
ng the woman. The first thing she noticed was that the woman looked haggard. Quinn imagined that Sarah had been pretty at one time, but it looked like life had essentially killed her spirit. She was blond like Xandy, with eyes that seemed to be a dull grey. Her hair was pulled back into a messy pony tail and she wore no makeup. On her slight body she wore a grey t-shirt and jean shorts, her feet were bare.

  “Aunt Sarah,” Xandy said, smiling at her aunt weakly.

  Sarah looked at Xandy, and then past her to Quinn, her eyes narrowed, her look assessing and not welcoming in the slightest. Quinn looked back at the woman, unfazed by the near hostility she saw in the other woman’s eyes.

  Xandy glanced between the two, and took a step back toward Quinn, unconsciously shielding Quinn from her aunt. Quinn reached out to touch the small of Xandy’s back. A sign that she recognized Xandy’s gesture was thanking her for the loyalty.

  Sarah noted both gestures and it was obvious she didn’t like either, by the way she sourly curled her lips. When she looked back at her niece and this other woman she saw that they were both looking at her with expectant and amused looks on their faces. Sarah was surprised; Xandy had always been such a sweet and obedient child. What had this woman done to her niece? she thought, as she opened the screen door and gestured for them to enter the house.

  Xandy walked in first, leaning down to kiss the little girl on the cheek.

  “You’ve grown so much, Elly,” she said to the child, who giggled.

  Quinn stepped over the threshold and Elly’s eyes widened. There was a tense moment where it was impossible to tell what the child was thinking. Elly shocked everyone by smiling brightly at Quinn. Quinn returned the smile and winked at the little girl.

  “Aunt Sarah,” Xandy said, reaching over to touch Quinn’s arm, “this is Quinn.”

  Sarah nodded at Quinn, her look now even more sour. “I know, the bodyguard,” she said, dismissively.

  Quinn looked at Xandy with a sardonic grin, her green eyes sparkling mischievously, but she said nothing. It was obvious Xandy was about to correct her aunt, and Quinn shook her head slightly; it would be playing into Sarah’s hands. Sarah wanted Xandy on the defensive but Quinn didn’t want Xandy to give her that gift.