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Break in the Storm (WeHo Book 2) Page 14
Break in the Storm (WeHo Book 2) Read online
Page 14
“Fucking technology….” Quinn said, her tone low, she looked at Xandy. “Think BJ has YouTube?”
Just as she said it, her phone started ringing.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me right now!” Quinn raged, as she saw from the display that it was BJ calling.
“Want me to answer it?” Xandy asked.
“Nah, I got it, it’s my head he wants to bite off,” Quinn said, swiping the answer button for the speaker phone with a bloody finger that she then tried to wipe off on her jeans. “Hi Beege,” she said, wincing as her head started pounding again.
“So ya havin’ a good night?” BJ asked, his tone falsely jovial.
“Well, I was, till about an hour ago,” Quinn said, her accent thick.
“Yeah, so I saw…” BJ said, letting his voice trail off ominously.
“They jumped us, Beege,” Quinn said, her tone by no means apologetic.
“Yeah, I saw that too,” BJ said, “and I also saw why I hired you to protect her.”
Quinn looked over at Xandy, seeing her proud smile and warmed by it.
“Thanks,” Quinn said simply.
“Xandy’s okay, right?”
“I’m fine, BJ,” Xandy answered.
“Good,” BJ said, “heal up, I still need you in the game.”
“I’m on it,” Quinn said.
“Have a Guinness on me,” BJ said, grinning at his end.
“I’m on that too,” Quinn said with a grin of her own.
They hung up then. The club they were in front of was a dance club, so the music they were playing wasn’t really to Quinn’s liking.
“Jesus, do you think I can put in a request?” Quinn queried to no one in particular.
Liam stepped up. “What ya want sis?”
“Bushmills single malt, bottle, and some fuckin’ rock,” she said, though not really expecting results.
She forgot how charming her younger brother could be. The next thing she heard was from the DJ, “This is for Quinn, our knight in shining armor out front, protecting the lovely and quite talented lass, miss Xandy Blue! Good on ya Quinn! Slàinte!”
Liam arrived with the bottle of Bushmills then. Quinn held it up in a salute to the DJ and took an extremely long swig.
Then the song “The Vengeful One” by Disturbed started. Quinn guessed that Liam had requested Disturbed because he knew Quinn loved the band’s music. The song choice also seemed to fit Quinn.
The line in the chorus, “I’m the hand of God, I’m the dark messiah, I’m the vengeful one, look inside and see what you’re becoming,” seemed to fit Quinn fairly well at that moment. Someone in the crowd outside obviously thought so, because they took video of Quinn singing along with the song as she smoked her cigarette and drank the bottle of Bushmills.
A bit later that night the four of them piled into a cab to go back to their parents’ home. By this time, Quinn was quite drunk, and needed help getting into the house, although not the slobbering drunk most people became. She certainly was in much less pain as a result, for which Xandy was grateful.
Brann and Bryan waited for their arrival, and Brann had the boys help Quinn to a chair in the kitchen where she examined the cut on Quinn’s head. Quinn closed her eyes as her mother pulled back her hair to reveal the cut, jumping slightly as her mother touched a spot that pulled at the now drying blood. Xandy sat down in a chair right next to Quinn, moving close so she could hold of her hand, her eyes watching Quinn’s face with deep concern.
“Okay, this is going to hurt a bit wee one,” Brann said, looking at Xandy.
Xandy put her other hand around Quinn’s hand, holding it tightly as Brann used a wet cloth to try and clean away some of the blood. Quinn jumped slightly a few times, her hand tightening in Xandy’s grip. Xandy winced every time Quinn did. The men in the family glanced at each other, grinning, happy that Quinn seemed to have found someone that wanted to take care of her.
After a few minutes, Brann had cleaned enough of the cut to see the depth.
“Aye, this doesn’t look bad a’tall,” Brann said, then she reached down to pick up Quinn’s right arm. “Now this…” she said, shaking her head. Quinn yanked it away, gasping at the pain from it being touched.
Brann pursed her lips and shook her head, glancing at her husband. “Well, then, we’ll just leave that be for now,” she said, her tone cautious. “Boys, help your sister upstairs, will you?” As they complied, Brann leaned in to Xandy. “I don’t like the way that arm looks,” she told her confidentially, “I’m going to have Finn come by in the morn to take a look.”
Xandy nodded, remembering that Finn had medical training. “Is she really okay? I mean her head?”
Brann smiled, nodding. “She’s hurt it worse over the years.”
“Our Quinny has a hard bloody head,” Bryan said, winking at Xandy.
She was immediately relieved, if Quinn’s family wasn’t worried about her or freaked out, then she felt like things were okay. She made her way upstairs, Liam and Miles were waiting for her in the bedroom. They’d helped Quinn to sit down on the bed.
“We’re gonna go now,” Liam said. “We’ll come by tomorrow.”
“Okay, thanks guys,” Xandy said, smiling.
Quinn was looking very tired, so Xandy did her best to help her get comfortable. She hung up her jacket, and helped her change into her usual bed clothes. By this time Quinn was moving to lie down and Xandy let her. She spent most of the night checking on Quinn off and on to make sure she was still breathing.
Chapter 7
The next morning Xandy was up before Quinn, which usually never happened. It was a testament to how drunk Quinn had been the night before. Xandy made herself busy by taking a shower and getting dressed. She then returned to the room to keep an eye on Quinn. She could see a couple of bruises already on Quinn’s arms which were extended in front of her as she slept on her side. Xandy imagined there’d be more.
Xandy sat on the bed, trying not to disturb Quinn; she had a book to read that she’d bought on Irish history, one that Bryan had suggested. At one point, Quinn stirred and turned over to face her. Glancing up with bleary eyes, she moved to lie on her stomach putting her head in Xandy’s lap, and wrapping her arms around her waist. Xandy smiled fondly down at her, reaching down to stroke her hair, careful to avoid the area that had been injured.
Around nine o’clock there was the lightest tap on the partially-open bedroom door. A man with dark red hair and green eyes exactly like Quinn’s stuck his head in the door smiling at her.
“Good morning,” he murmured softly.
“Hi,” Xandy said smiling.
“I’m Finn,” he told her, looking down at his sister who still lay with her head in Xandy’s lap. “She’s gotten more ink since I saw her last,” he remarked, leaning a knee on the bed to try and get near Quinn’s head to take a look.
Even though Finn moved with the utmost care, Quinn sensed it and opened one eye, the one closest to Finn.
“Morning Finn,” she murmured tiredly.
“Morning baby sis,” Finn said affectionately. “I heard you saw some action last night.”
“Check YouTube, you can see it,” Quinn growled.
Finn chuckled, as he continued checking the wound to Quinn’s head.
“Your head hurt?” Finn asked.
“Can’t tell where the bangin’ ends and the hangover begins,” Quinn said.
“I hear you’re thoroughly medicated though,” Finn said.
“S’not my fault that people were buying me drinks,” Quinn said.
“True, if they’re paid for, you legally have to drink them,” Finn said, winking at Xandy. “Okay,” he said, moving off the bed, “gonna need ya to turn over, sis. Ma’s worried about that hand.”
Quinn groaned loudly as she moved to turn over. Xandy got off the bed and went to get Quinn some aspirin and water. Walking back over to the bed, she handed the pills to Quinn, then went to hand her the water. Quinn shook her head, putti
ng the pills in her mouth and swallowing them. She winced as Finn pulled the bloodied bandage off her hand. The cut, extending from the heel of Quinn’s hand to just under thumb, looked angry and sore.
“Oh…” Finn exhaled in surprise, “what did you do to yourself baby sis?”
“My hand met a sharp object,” Quinn said simply.
Xandy could see that Finn was waiting for more of an answer, and Quinn didn’t look like she was going to be forthcoming, so she spoke up.
“It was a razor blade,” Xandy said, frowning. “She was slapping it out of my hand.”
Finn looked at Xandy for a long moment, blinking a couple of times, then looked back at Quinn.
“Always the white knight, huh baby sis?” he asked, his tone affectionate.
“Yeah… that’s me,” Quinn muttered looking uncomfortable.
Her discomfort had Finn chuckling again. “Never good at taking compliments either,” he added.
Quinn flinched when he touched close to the cut.
“That hurt?” Finn asked.
Quinn nodded.
“Yeah, feels hot too,” he said, placing his hand gently over the cut. “Probably should be on some antibiotics just in case. And these stitches need to come out.” He gave his sister an apologetic look.
Quinn nodded, looking like she was steeling herself. Xandy moved to sit on the bed next to Quinn, reaching out to take her other hand.
“I’m gonna spray it with Lidocaine,” Finn said, “but it’s still gonna hurt a bit.”
“S’okay, do it.” Quinn said.
As he worked, Quinn started asking questions to distract herself.
“How’s the new baby?” she asked.
“He’s good,” Finn replied, but there was a look that crossed his face that Quinn easily recognized.
“You and Ginny having problems again?” Quinn asked.
“Yeah,” Finn said, looking unhappy.
“Want me to talk to her?” Quinn asked, wincing as he snipped a stitch and grazed too close to the surface of the skin.
“Sorry sis. Well, you are her favorite sister-in-law,” he said, his tone hopeful.
“No problem,” Quinn said, “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thanks,” Finn said, smiling.
When the job was finished, Finn could see that Quinn was tired. Leaning down he kissed her on the cheek.
“We’ll be by later tonight, so you can see your nephew,” he said to her.
“Thanks Finn,” Quinn said, nodding tiredly, “love you.”
“Love you, baby sis,” he said smiling. “Xandy we’ll see you later too?”
“Of course,” Xandy said smiling as she walked with him to the bedroom door. “Is her hand going to be okay?” she asked him out in the hallway.
Finn smiled, liking that this girl was so concerned about his sister. He and Quinn were a full ten years apart in age, but they’d always been close. He’d always called her “baby sis” even though he had younger sisters. He’d seen her go through a lot to become who she was now and he hoped that maybe she’d found the right woman to share her life with.
Quinn bringing Xandy home was a source of much discussion in the family. Finn knew better than anyone how much the family meant to Quinn; she’d give up anything for them. The fact that she’d brought Xandy not only to Belfast, but to the family home spoke volumes about this girl and Quinn’s feelings for her. Finn just hoped those feelings were well placed, but it was the consensus among the Kavanaugh children that Xandy seemed to be a good fit for their wild sibling. From what Finn had seen, Xandy definitely cared about Quinn’s well-being.
“It looks bad right now,” he told Xandy in answer to her question, “but I think it’ll do better now. She’d strained some of the stitches, but the butterfly closures will be a little better for the kind of person my sister is.”
“What does that mean?” Xandy asked, looking surprised.
“My sister can’t stop using her hands, it’s who she is,” Finn said.
“Oh,” Xandy said, nodding.
Finn looked back at Xandy for a long moment. “Our Quinn is very special,” he said, his tone cautious.
Xandy nodded. “She’s very special to me too,” she said. “She’s saved my life quite possibly twice now and has quickly become the best friend that I have ever had.”
Finn found that he very much liked this American’s honesty, it was refreshing.
“Then hold on to her with both hands,” he told her, winking.
“I’ll try,” Xandy said, nodding.
After Finn left, Xandy went back into the bedroom to check on Quinn, who was, once again, asleep. Xandy decided to go downstairs and see if she could get some coffee. When she got downstairs she found that Liam and Miles were there already. They were sitting at the dining room table with Brann.
“Good morning,” Xandy said smiling at the three.
Brann got up immediately. “Would you like some coffee? Or tea?”
“Coffee would be great,” Xandy said, smiling.
“Cream or sugar?” Brann asked.
“Both, please” Xandy said.
Brann brought a cup over, gesturing for Xandy to sit down.
“How’s Quinn feeling?” Miles asked, knowing that Quinn had to be hungover.
“She’s kind of miserable,” Xandy said, sighing. “I gave her some aspirin earlier, hopefully that will help. She’s asleep right now.”
“Good,” Brann said, nodding, “she seems to take her job very seriously when it comes to you.”
Xandy smiled softly. “Quinn takes everything she does seriously.”
The three members of Quinn’s family nodded in agreement to that.
“So, where in America are you from?” Brann asked conversationally.
“I’m from Kansas, it’s in the Midwest,” Xandy replied.
“Kansas,” Brann repeated, “what’s there?” she asked, her tone quizzical.
“Um,” Xandy began, unable to think of a good response, “basically wheat and dust, and tornadoes.”
Brann blinked a couple of times. “Tornadoes? Those nasty twisty things?”
Xandy grinned at the description. “Yes, those.”
“Terrifying looking, those are!” Brann said.
“They’re pretty scary up close too,” Xandy said, her tone more serious.
“You’ve seen one?” Liam asked, interested.
Xandy nodded. “More than one,” she said, her voice changing slightly.
“Are they as scary as they look in the movies?” Liam asked.
“They’re worse,” Xandy said, her voice tremulous, “much, much worse.”
Brann recognized that somehow this was a difficult topic for the girl and with a quick look at Liam, decided to steer the conversation in a new direction.
“Quinn tells us you’re a singer?” Brann said.
“Ma, she’s not just a singer,” Liam said, shaking his head.
Pulling out his phone, Liam pulled up the song that had been released by Badlands from Xandy’s upcoming album. Handing the phone to his mother, he reached over and hit play.
The chords for the song started out simple enough, and Xandy’s voice was so clear and bright it filled the room. Brann looked quite impressed as the song went on. The song was nearly acapella with only piano as an accompaniment. As the song faded, and Xandy’s haunting last note seemed to drift in the air.
“That was beautiful dear,” Brann said, looking affected by the song.
“Thank you,” Xandy said, smiling demurely.
“And humble, as well, I see,” Brann said, her tone approving. “That’s a beautiful thing too, my dear,” she said, winking at Xandy.
The conversation moved onto other things after that.
A couple of hours later, Xandy went up to the bedroom to check on Quinn and found her awake in bed. Moving to sit down on the bed, she smiled down at Quinn.
“How are you feeling?” Xandy asked.
“I’m alright,” Quinn sa
id, grinning as she moved to sit up.
Xandy gasped at the bruises she saw. Quinn had bruises on her throat, and the lower half of her upper arms, where one of the men had tried to restrain her. Then there was another nasty bruise on her shoulder where one of the men had missed her face and hit her shoulder.
Quinn glanced down at the bruises and then back at Xandy. “S’okay,” she said, “they’ll fade.”
“Still,” Xandy said, reaching out to touch the bruise on Quinn’s neck gently, her face reflecting her distress.
“Hey…” Quinn said, reaching up to touch Xandy’s cheek, anxious to remove the concern from her face. “I’m okay. This is nothing.”
Xandy didn’t look comforted by that statement, so Quinn pulled Xandy into her arms, hugging her. Quinn leaned back against the headboard, letting Xandy lean against her. They stayed that way for a while, each of them thinking their own thoughts.
“So is my family torturing you down there?” Quinn asked, grinning.
“Of course not,” Xandy said, “actually your brother pulled up one of my songs for your mom to hear.”
Quinn grinned, betting her mother was very much impressed with Xandy’s talent.
“Oh, and you should know…” Xandy said, letting her voice trail off as she looked at Quinn, her grin a bit abashed.
“Wot?” Quinn asked suspiciously, warned by the twinkle in Xandy’s eyes.
“You’re kinda famous right now,” Xandy said.
“Why?” Quinn asked, looking horrified at the thought.
“Well, not only was a video of the fight posted to YouTube, but someone also took a video of you singing to “The Vengeful One,” and that’s kind of gone viral too.”
“Oh, Jesus fecking Christ!” Quinn said, rolling her eyes. “I think it’s about time we get out of Belfast. Let’s head south into Ireland.”
“South?” Xandy asked.
“Yeah, to Dublin and down in that area.”
“Okay, if you’re up to it.”
“Let me make some arrangements,” Quinn said, “and we can go tomorrow.”
“Okay,” Xandy said.
That night, Xandy got to meet Finn’s wife, Ginny and their infant son. She also found out that Ginny and Quinn had been in secondary school together and that’s how Quinn knew her. At one point Quinn and Ginny disappeared, and Xandy saw them out in the conservatory talking. When they came back in, Ginny walked over to Finn and hugged him, he looked over at Quinn and nodded to her in obvious appreciation.